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Kołobrzeg - a salt city with an intriguing history


Kołobrzeg is the fourth largest city in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. It plays an important role as a transport hub. It is here Parsenta flows into the Baltic Sea. From the town, it is possible to reach Germany via a sea border crossing. In addition, there is also a complex of harbours: a commercial harbour, the Polish Baltic Shipping, a passenger harbour, a fishing harbour and a yacht harbour.


Kolobrzeg - "City of Salt"



In the 7th century AD in the northern part of the Salt Island a settlement was established whose inhabitants were engaged in weighing salt. This event gave rise to the town of Kolobrzeg. Salsa Cholbergiensis, as this was the original name of the settlement, soon became extremely famous. As early as the year 1000, the Pope Sylvester II established a bishopric in Kołobrzeg, which had hitherto still been located in Kraków and Wrocław. However, less than a few years later, it collapsed as a result of pagan reaction. In 1107, Boleslaw III the Wrymouth again succeeded in returning the land to Poland.


 Thriving developmenthe city of Kolobrzeg


Kolobrzeg continued to be vibrant for another century, with work boiling all over the place. The town continued to pride itself on its salt production, and grew rich through herring fishing. It also had the privilege of minting its own coinage. The Slavic population, on the other hand, was severely restricted in their rights in trade and crafts and in holding high positions and practising certain professions. During the 16th century, the whole of the help, including the townspeople of Kołobrzeg adopted the teaching of Martin Luther.


 Difficult years of history


During the 30-year war, Kolobrzeg was almost completely destroyed. The time of the rule of Brandenburg, later known as Prussia and Germany, began. In 1653, the city was transformed into a fortress.Festung Kolberg", which for a period allowed it to recover somewhat from the ruins, but it was soon hit again by the damage of the 7-year war.


 How did Kolobrzeg get back on its feet?


This is only part of the history of this beautiful coastal town. It is up to you whether you want to get to know the whole story and find out what happened to the town and its inhabitants. And whether you prefer to consult online sources, or experience history in person by visiting Kołobrzeg, its monuments and centres of learning and culture. We particularly recommend a walk through the old town, which has retained its medieval atmosphere to this day. And we also encourage you to visit museums such as: Museum Cities of KolobrzegMuseum of Polish Arms or Patria Colbergensis in the Town Hall. However, these are just a few of the many places that will bring you closer to what has gone down in history. We can, therefore, confidently promise that one day to visit everything is certainly not enough.


 When deciding on accommodation in Kolobrzeg, choose On Holiday Apartments in Kolobrzeg


With numerous attractions and, above all, a coastal climate that can draw you in for the long term, don't forget to reservations accommodation in Kolobrzeg. If you want an unforgettable adventure, a break from the hustle and bustle and people, choose to stay at On Holiday Flats in Kolobrzeg. It's a sensational place to return to after a full, active day in your private comfort zone. You don't have to expose yourself to strangers, interact with a receptionist, or sit in a cramped room with hundreds of stairs to get to.


 Relax not only at the seaside, but ralso in his flat in Kolobrzeg


You can feel at home with us. Deciding on flat in Kolobrzeg, you will be guaranteed a living room and a separate bedroom with roomy wardrobe, w a fully equipped kitchen and a comfortable bathroom. You can leave your car in the car park without any worries and take the lift to the floor. We know that Kołobrzeg is popular with tourists and therefore is sometimes crowded. We leave, therefore, at your disposal a large space, as well as swimming pool i attractions for you and your family outdoors. On Holiday Flats in Kolobrzeg You will rest, relax and breathe fully.
