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The Eastern Ecopark in Kolobrzeg - a wealth of flora and fauna


Do you associate Kołobrzeg exclusively with sandy beaches and the blue waters of the Baltic Sea? If so, you may be a bit surprised by the fact that within the borders of the resort there is a landscape park. Ekopark Easternbecause that is what he is talking about, covers an area of approximately 381 hectares and is located in the north-eastern part of Kołobrzeg. It is surrounded to the north by the waters of the Baltic Sea, while to the east the area borders on the district of Podczele. Ekopark Wschodni was established by the City of Kołobrzeg in 1996 to protect a unique ecosystem built around a brackish peat bog called Solne Bagno, which consists of lush vegetation and wild animals.

ecopark from a bird's eye view

Flora of the Eastern Ecopark

Deciduous trees grow in Ekopark Eastsuch as beech or oak trees. Most of them is overgrown with ivy, honeysuckle or clematis. The central part of the landscape park consists of low moors, overgrown with reeds, sedges and willows. The dune embankment, which separates the charming area from the beaches, is overgrown with dwarf pines, sand willows and buckthorn bushes.
In the park you will also find plants such as salt aster, yellow watercress, yarrow sneezeweed, russet crabapple, white coltsfoot, western swimmer, round-leaved sundew or meadow cress. You may also come across rare mushrooms, such as the common greengage or the oak tongue.

Fauna of the Eastern Ecopark

More than 100 bird species have been recorded at the site. If you are lucky, you may spot representatives of species such as the common eagle, bittern, crane or red-breasted grebe. A goshawk, common buzzard, collared plover and a woodlark nest in the Salt Marsh. Also observed there are the habitats of the redshank, the dipper, the black cormorant, the coot, the pot-bellied warbler and the common pochard. Kolobrzeg's swans also winter there.
Near the Salt Marsh, you may come across numerous reptilesThe area is also home to amphibians such as the viviparous lizard, grass snake and adder. The park is also home to amphibians, such as the ground coot, grey toad, newt and moor frog. The park is also home to mammals such as ermine, raccoon and shrew.


the wetlands of the kołobrzeg ecopark

How to visit the park?

A walking and cycling route runs through the Eastern Ecopark. Wooden footbridges make it easy to walk across the wetland and enjoy the lovely scenery. Along the way, you can stop at one of the many covered gazebos for a rest and a meal or use one of the several descents to the beach. The park stretches for about 3 kilometres along the coast, so it is best to plan a minimum of 2 hours for the tour.

Flats by the sea close to the forest and nature

We have the best locations for visiting the East EcoPark. All our Flats for rent on Podczel on Lwowska and Poleska Streets are located away from the hustle and bustle of the city, on the eastern side of this park. The place, however, is well connected to the city - public transport goes to Podczele from 5 am to midnight, every weekday. For those who are interested in accommodation closer to the city, we have to offer flats for rent on the west side of the Ekopark from the city centre in the eastern district.
