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Booking through Booking Hotels Airbnb or directly on the On Holiday website


Booking through portals such as Booking, HotelsAirbnb or directly on the On Holiday website? By booking flats by the sea in Kołobrzeg, you can also use direct contact with the owner. Which of these options will be the best? Which booking of a flat by the sea in Kolobrzeg is optimal?


Is it worth booking directly with the owner or betting on booking through Booking and other platforms?



The following are very popular in Kolobrzeg prestigious flats On Holiday. They are located in the best locations in Kolobrzeg, in close proximity to the beach and other attractions. Why should you take advantage of booking them directly with On Holiday? First of all, you can save a lot of money this way. Popular booking platforms They charge a certain commission for each booking. On the one hand, they give you the opportunity to verify several offers at once, but on the other hand, as guests you often pay more. In this way, the owners of the venues also earn less, as the intermediary platform also takes its commission. Sometimes this amounts to as much as 15%, which can significantly affect the cost of the booking and holiday stay.


Whether you are visiting Kolobrzeg for a short while or will be spending several nights in the city, this is a good choice. It is worth booking a flat by the sea directly with On Holiday. You can make a booking via the brand's booking platform or after telephone contact. Here you also have the opportunity to fully individualise the offer and any changes to the offer. You will not find such options on popular booking platforms. A tried and tested method is selection of a suitable facility through them, and then direct contact with the property you are interested in. In this way, you can save a lot of money and the owner of the property will also be happy because he or she will not have to share the commission with intermediaries. All platforms work in a similar way, so both Booking, Hotels and Airbnb are a less cost-effective option than direct booking flats by the sea in Kołobrzeg at On Holiday.

